Windows OEM Security Scare

Published on by Clive Pearson S.W.H.R

So one of the buzzes I hear on the net now is that Microsoft just may ( and this is a very strong possibility) have a serious security problem with Windows operating systems, it seems that in their zeal to save money on production cost's  manufacturing plants in Asia seem to be the source of Boot up virus infections at source.

Unscrupulous persons as yet unknown have planted back door and Aip control Trojans to copy, remotely control, and infiltrate our  computers.

The aim to release bank account details and other secure information about the user, already Microsoft has had to replace some user systems and hard drives as a result of this incursion into their security.

As a long time computer engineer 33 years in all I strongly urge you to install, the best of the best  obtainable Security Protection that you can afford.  Or alternately should you need to check your bank accounts daily or any other accounts that are suseptable to online attack, use a Linux live CD and Firefox live to log onto your financial establishments.

This is more secure as, N0 1/ a Hacker can not leave a virus on a live cd that you are running your computer off at the time,

No2/ there is as yet no way for them to write onto your CD from an external source and even if they could most computers would notify you that a cd was to be burned in some way.

But as I say this is as yet not possible except if you have authorised remote access to your computer if so turn this facility off now, as some clever sod may just find a way to accomplish this .

So if you need to be secure and you want to be sure of this Download a version of the OS system Linux  I recommend from, who scan all their downloads, and when contacting your bank or Building society do it on the Live Cd.

What is a Live cd you ask simple a Linux system Cd can be inserted into any PC and the cd will boot an opperable system up from the disc only, not using any information from your PC.

So if you are unlucky enough to have one of these Trojans already on your system, it will not be able to interact with your Live cd and your Bank details will be  far more secure and far less likely to be intercepted.  

I have to say I have been doing this for a number of years and never had the slightest problem with my Bank or Building society details, I never enter Personal finacial details on my computer to be hacked.

When I purchase goods online through Ebay and log onto my Pay pal account again I use the live Linux CD and am sure no sleezebag can get my details.

Oh and as we all know the main sites that most of these Virus and Trojans are picked up from is Internet Porn sites and Movie sites, so again if you must visit these sites do it via a live cd and you will be Computer safe.   

This site is reccomended by Cnet so should be safe 

I forgot to say Firefox is usually the browser of choice preinstalled on most Linux software. 

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